
Changing seasons in London

Nothing gives you the sense that London is a city in constant flux like going away for a while and trying to find the things that were there when you left. That cafe on Whitecross street with the free internet, the Citibank branch on the Strand, Lehman Brothers... where did they all go? Some spaces went down the tubes with the recession, others have just been repurposed to better effect. For example, London has been expanding its bike lane network at a rapid pace. A few things that look temporary stay on longer than the things that are built out of brick.. like the vegetable stand at Holborn Station. Taking after the Turbine Hall, London is constantly being broken down and re-staged.

E. Mattiuzzi

Cities of the future?

Climate change is a soggy reality for political leaders in the Maldives where an underwater cabinet meeting was held this week. Those computer-rendered images of what New York or London would look like with rising sea levels don't even come close for these folks.

E. Mattiuzzi